A plugin for jquery.flot for smooth animations using requestAnimationFrame
Growraf (pronounced grow-rough) is a plugin for flot charts, that produces smooth animations using requestAnimationFrame wherever possible.
Its a fork of the Growing plugin for flot, from Jürgen Marsch.
The API is the same with Growing plugin except from the steps & stepDelay combination. There is a new option named "duration" (in ms) that simplifies the rAF implementation and provides greater control.
Growraf example in comparison with Growing minor bugs
Growraf heavy data plots in comparison with Grow heavy data plots note the time increase with more data/plots
Growraf ReAnimate animating a plot between redraws.
Added the ability to reanimate a plot to new datapoints, by using setData() & draw().
Added a 'growFinished' event that is triggered on the plot's placeholder.
var $placeholder = $('#placeholder');
$placeholder.on('growFinished', function () {
alert('Grow Animation Finished');
$.plot($placeholder, [{
label: "linear",
data: [[1,1], [2,2], /*...,*/ [10,10]],
grow: { growings:[ { stepMode: "maximum" } ] }
}], {
series: { grow: { active: true, duration: 2000 } }
Read the Documentation here.
0.4.5 Introduced reanimate feature. Code restructuring, cleanups & performance improvements.
0.4.0 Initial version implementing rAF. Used for several unrecorded bug fixes and performance improvements.
Does it work on browsers not supporting requestAnimationFrame?
Yes, Growraf checks if the current browser supports requestAnimationFrame (prefixed or not) and (if there is no support) fallbacks to setTimeout.
Some of the browsers that the setTimeout polyfill is used include:
Does it work in oldIE?
Yes, as long as exCanvas is provided, it should work.
BUT instead of delivering a choppy animation, I strongly suggest you to disable animations for those browsers by checking if window.G_vmlCanvasManager is defined and setting the series.grow.active property to false.